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Только делая прыжок в неизведанное, мы ощущаем свою свободу. (Т.Уайлдер)


Chuvash manual

    2.0 Theoretical Basis of the Analysis
    UNIT ONE: The Chuvash noun; gender; plural
    UNIT TWO: Vowel harmony; case morphemes and allomorphs; the non-relational zero morpheme (absolute case); the possessive relational morpheme (genitive case)
    UNIT THREE: Objective relational morpheme (dative and accusative cases, direct and indirect object); locative relational morpheme; ablative relational morpheme
    UNIT FOUR: Instrumental relational morpheme; minor case morphemes (privative, purpose, directive, vocative); compound case morphemes. Tables of nominal declension. Plural declension.
    UNIT FIVE: Personal posession; the verb “to have“ (pur and şuk)
    UNIT SIX: Possession expressed in different cases.
    UNIT SEVEN: The nominal as adjective; comparison of the adjective; superlative intensifiers; possessive adjectives; the morpheme -lă
    UNIT EIGHT: Pronouns: Personal, demonstrative, reflexive, interrogative, indefinite, negative, personal possessive, and other pronominal words
    UNIT NINE: The verb: Primary tenses of the indicative mood (durative present, negative formation, future, preterite)
    UNIT TEN: Secondary past tenses of the indicative (durative past; past in the future; past of the preterite); the morpheme - chchĕ ‘was‘
    UNIT ELEVEN: a. Present participle (nomen actoris) in —kan b. Fast participle (nomen perfecti) in —nă c. Future participle (nomen futuri) in -as d. Infinitive (nomen concretum) in -ma e. Nomen necessitatis in -malla
    UNIT TWELVE: Mood-formants: Imperative, optative, conditional
    UNIT THIRTEEN: Converbs: Subordinate, coordinate, past, antecedent
    UNIT FOURTEEN: Adverbs; postpositions; conjunctions; particies; interjections
    UNIT FIFTEEN: Numerals: Cardinal, ordinal, distributive, collective, fractional
    UNIT SIXTEEN: Word formation In nouns and verbs
    The Three Sons (folktale) and it"s translation

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Last edited by: Chavash, 2006-03-26 12:54:52. Views 41056. This page has not been reviewed by administrators. The editing will be checked and corrected.

